My journey into photography was similar to a lot of Mom’s that pick up a camera . Having kids gave me the opportunity to slow down. Not in the sense that life got slower, because we all know that’s not what happens when you add kids into the mix. But it gave me time to sit, time to observe, it reminded me to be present. Between rocking babies to sleep, sitting on the floor and setting up endless block towers, I started to notice light. I would watch it throughout the day. I noticed how the right light could make the most ordinary moments seem extraordinary. That light drove me to pick up my camera, and start to chase it, start to try to capture those moments as I saw them. As my kids get older, it seems those moments become few and far between. The kids don’t always want the camera around, and with school, activities and friends, those days of sitting on the floor are behind us. I find myself missing those moments and opportunities.
One afternoon while having lunch with my Grandmother, as we were sitting catching up on life, we started talking about food she would cook when I was younger. She use to make us THE best oatmeal. I have tried her recipe on my own and I can only assume she makes it with special Grandmother magic because my oatmeal tastes like garbage compared to hers…… But I digress. Sitting there talking with her, in her kitchen, a kitchen that holds memories of my childhood, watching her, completely comfortable in her own environment. I felt like I really saw her. In the same way that I “see” my kids. I really felt like I needed to capture that moment. I got up to grab my camera. She tried to tell me she wasn’t camera ready, her hair needed to be fixed, the table needed to be cleaned. Fortunately I convinced her that everything was just the way it should be and that image is everything I think of when I think of my Grandmother.
That lunch with Grandma, reminded me that my life is full of amazing people, and moments I should be capturing. My kids might be getting older and sure there will still be many more great moments to photograph with them, but there are also so many other special people in my life that I need to be making time to sit and connect with. These last few months I have made taking the time to connect over coffee a priority , and if the moment presents itself to photograph those around me during our time together I am going to continue to take it.