New Paints - 30 minutes in the Life - January 2020

Flying through the store this last weekend, we were in a rush. I’d strategically planned our route through the store for maximum efficiency ( please tell me I’m not the only one who does this). We’d be out of there in 15 minutes tops. Both girls in tow, doing their part to make sure we didn’t forget anything, and I quietly hear a voice from behind me. “Mom, do you think we could stop and get some new paints? “ I looked behind me to see Hadley, and her big blue eyes looking up at me with that face kids make when they really want something.

A quick detour down the craft aisle, and she was the proud new owner of a new set up paints. She left the store with a big smile, and I could already see the ideas swirling in her head. …and well to be honest they were starting to brew in mine as well.

Her first masterpiece had her trying all the colours……as for me , well it had me experimenting with different perspectives, approaches, and took me from standing on the dining room table amongst the chandelier (which I will say, is in need of a good cleaning…..who’s job is that anyways…whoops) to asking her to hold the paint tray up to her face. Creating, that’s what it’s all about right?

I’ve teamed up with a group of amazing photographers committed to capturing 30 minutes of our day each month. Next up in the blog circle is Ceri Herd Photography .