Now I hope you all won’t think of this as cheating but for this months 30 minutes in the life, seeing how it’s the end of one year and the start of another I took this as an opportunity to spend some time reflecting upon the year that past. It feels simultaneously like both the worlds shortest and longest year all wrapped into one. It was a full year of change, challenge, both calculated and unexpected, A year of following gut feelings, pushing myself outside my comfort zone, reflecting on the person I am and who I want to become.
2020 started out like every other. Goals, dreams, ambitions, some big changes on the horizon. Some of them I saw coming, others, like so many I found myself walking into the unexpected territory. Unsure, slowly working my way through the unexpected, adapting, adjusting, trying to do what felt right for me and the kids. I feel so fortunate to work for a company that supported my decision to take a 4 month leave when it became obvious that what the kids needed throughout a sea of uncertainty, was a constant. Being that constant wasn’t without its challenges, but having that time at home with my family, not only felt safe, it was exactly what we needed to make it through as happy and healthy as we started.
2020 saw so many photography goals accomplished, and I am forever grateful for that. It felt like there were less images photographed but the reality was ,I used my camera a fair bit. I feel more of a connection to the moments captured than I realized even at the time. This year I was involved in Land and See photography conference, which transitioned to an online platform amidst the pandemic. Giving my first ever public talk was frightening as hell but an experience I will hold with me forever. I was involved with not only the 30 minute blog circle, but continued to contribute with Offbeat. Adding writing and stories behind the photographs has been an experience that has allowed me to grow in a way I never quite realized when I began. As life started to pick back up in fall my camera sat dormant more often than I was comfortable with; however, the moments captured mean so much more.
Still working away on a degree, the reflective time of 2020 brought a transition from Social Work, to an Arts Degree majoring in Sociology. I worked harder than ever this last semester and feel like I am on the right track to where I want to be, even if that end goal seems light years away.
2020 brought me closer to those I love and brought some amazing people into my life. Learning to connect while remaining distant has been a gift. I feel the support , love and encouragement of those close to me, and have a better understanding of the importance of connection with others. I feel more connected to myself, having had time to slow down and recalculate my path, figure out who and I am, what I really want and need to feel fulfilled as a person, a mother, a friend, a partner and an artist.
Here’s a look through some of the moments that made 2020 what is was

2021 has no big goals but more a commitment to myself to keep going, keep reflecting, keep learning, to remain true to myself, and to embrace the change when it’s necessary.
Here’s to you 2021 and all the 30 Minutes in the Life blog circle. Thank you ladies for being a source of encouragement and inspiration. I look forward to another year of creating with you.
Next up is the lovely Janet Crouch with her 30 minutes in the life blog visit her blog here :