When many people think of family photography sessions they think of a beautiful outdoor location during the summer. Even I am guilty of this, during the winter I sometimes have to remind myself to pick up my camera to even take my own family photos, which is just silly. There are so many reasons to plan a photography session in your own home.
Lets talk about the most obvious reason. The weather. Now here in Saskatchewan sometimes we get a nice spring and it seems like months of endless summer, but other years we have snow on the ground right into April with a cold and rainy May. Lets not even talk about those early winters with snow in September. It’s a pretty short season, and this makes outdoor sessions harder to plan for. As a photographer I hope that out outdoor session blesses us with a beautiful sunset on a calm warm evening but often that is not the case. Sometimes there is rescheduling, sometimes we work between wind gusts, and sometimes we have to stop to warm up during the session. Plan a session in your home and we worry about none of that. There’s way less rescheduling, you can wear what you want, and we don’t need to worry about wind messing up everyone’s hair.

The other amazing thing about a session in your house is how comfortable your kids are. Regardless of where we hold your session, I give kids plenty up time to warm up to me. But sometimes with younger ones especially, we get to our location, but it’s new, I’m new, and it takes longer for everyone to get familiar and comfortable in the space before we start to get those beautiful images that show that connection we are going for. In your home, you’re child can show me their favourite toy, they can cuddle up on their favourite chair and they have all the familiarity of home.

Now I know what your going to say! Maybe your home is due for some updating, or maybe the kids have toys everywhere. Maybe you just don’t feel your home is quiet camera ready. Well, I am here to assure you, it is! When we plan your session we can talk about what rooms you want used, and which ones you don’t. Your home does not need to be spotless and in show home condition. If you have clutter, which if we are being honest, who doesn’t? Do not worry! I suggest you gently clean one or two rooms and we focus on that area. Put some the the clutter away if you like, but make sure to keep the essence of your family present throughout. Open up the curtains and let your windows light your home ( and don’t worry you don’t need big picture windows either) and I will take care of the rest from there. During your session I use the best angles and light availability to make sure you and your home look great so that when you look at your images you see nothing but love, connection, and sweet family moments.

I usually suggest we book sessions during the daytime hours of 10-2pm and that we book the session around when the kids are happiest.
What to wear you ask? Well if we aren’t outdoors, you can wear whatever you like. Maybe your kids love wearing all shorts, all the time, or maybe they have a favourite dress that they love to wear but it’s just too cold to wear outside. Basically I want everyone to be comfortable and feel like themselves. For me, as a Mom. I know I am all about the leggings, a basic tee, and a long cardigan. This is perfect for an in-home session.
Still have some reservations about holding a family session in your home? Let’s chat! I am always happy to answer any questions you have.