Struggling to find balance this month between family and a life that is returning to a new normal I struggled to find creative time and felt that imbalance throughout. I know as time passes I’ll adapt and adjust finding my equilibrium once again. With month’s end approaching, back to full time work during the day, and client sessions in the evening, and trying to squeeze in every last bit of summer with 3 ever growing and changing kids, the thought of letting down the 30 Minutes in the Life group was weighing on my mind. I just happened to have my camera beside me in the car one evening making my commute to the city and I had a thought. This 30 minute commute has been so much apart of my life for the last 8 years. Maybe this is what I document this month.
This commute has given me a way to decompress after a long day, it’s given me quiet among the chaos. I’ve carried on important conversations while making this commute, I’ve made big decisions, I’ve cried alone in the car, and laughed with friends. The kids have fallen asleep in the backseat, we’ve had family sing alongs to our favorite Disney soundtracks. Mother nature often puts on a show with her beautiful Saskatchewan sunsets, we’ve had countless wildlife encounters. I’ve chased light, watched seasons change, clouds explode in the sky, lightning strike close by. It’s only 30 minutes, but it’s varied and beautiful.
With a 135mm lens I decided to document the commute, never leaving the road, only pulling over from time to time. The stars aligned for my first ever photograph of a moose, and a cute little mule deer playing peek a boo. There might have been a skunk sighting but that’s when I knew I was pressing my luck and it was time to wrap up this commute photoshoot. Landscape and wildlife photographer I am not, but as with last months post I’m enjoying photographing new subjects and pushing myself outside of my comfort zone.
Here’s to next month, which will hopefully have a little more creative time and some increased balance while embracing and appreciating this new chapter.

Next up in the blog circle is the wonderful Janet Crouch Photography Be sure to head over to her blog and see what she has been up to this month. Her photography is amazing and you won’t be disappointed.